Do not be overwhelmed by the pleasures of this life

His Eminence, Sayyed Ali Fadlullah, delivered the two Friday prayer sermons at the Imamain Al-Hassanain Mosque ,Rabi Awal 25, 144\October 21, 2022. Several prominent religious scholars, dignitaries and believers attended the Jumu’a prayer. Following is the edited text of the sermons:

The first Sermon

Allah, The Most Exalted, says in His Glorious Book: O mankind, indeed the promise of Allah is truth, so let not the worldly life delude you and be not deceived about Allah by the Deceiver. Allah, The Most Exalted, speaks the Truth .

In this Ayat, Allah, The Most Exalted, calls on the people not to be deluded by this world or deceived by all that it has offer. He wants them to look at it not through the eye but the mind so that they will stay mindful of the fact He has always reminded them of: This world will not stay forever, and humans will have no choice but to leave it when the time comes: Say, " Indeed, the death from which you flee – indeed, it will meet you. Then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you about what you used to do. " Imam Ali (a.s.) says: Verily the world is a house of deception and deceit, it takes a spouse every day, kills a family every night and splits up a group every hour. Do not allow the abundance of what amazes you in it to deceive you because it will be only a little that you take from it. The following story clearly demonstrates this fact: when a certain king was dying, he called his army commander and ordered him to do three things upon his death: the first was that his coffin would be carried by non-other than his doctors so that everybody would know that they were unable to treat him. The second was to spread gold and jewels all the way from his palace to the cemetery so that people would know that he did not take what he had owned with him. The third was to leave his hand out of the coffin so that the people would not that he is getting out of this world empty handed without any of the wealth or money he had accumulated. This is also the picture the Quran pointed at when it said: [It will be said to them], "And you have certainly come to Us alone as We created you the first time, and you have left whatever We bestowed upon you behind you .and How much they left behind of gardens and springs and crops and noble sites. And comfort wherein they were amused. And We caused to inherit it another people. But this does not mean that Allah, The Most Exalted, Who warn sus from this world with all its pleasures does not want us to enjoy its goods. He says: " Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He has produced for His servants and the good [lawful] things of provision?" Say, "They are for those who believe during the worldly life [but] exclusively for them on the Day of Resurrection." Thus do We detail the verses for a people who know… It is Allah, The Most Exalted, Who called on us to pray to Him saying: Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire. "

That is why, when Muhammad(p) heard some of his companions cursing this world, he said to them : Do not curse this world for it is a good place for the believer: in the world he may achieve what is good and through it he may be delivered from what is evil.

But Allah, The Most Exalted, has warned us, firstly, not to feel if we are in good health , at a young age and enjoying life’s pleasures that things will last and forget that death will come to them all of a sudden . He says: Indeed, those who do not expect the meeting with Us and are satisfied with the life of this world and feel secure therein and those who are heedless of Our signs. For those their refuge will be the Fire because of what they used to earn.

He wants us ,secondly , not to deal with this world as a goal , but as a means to earn Allah, The Most Exalted,’s satisfaction and paradise. He says: And this worldly life is not but diversion and amusement. And indeed, the home of the Hereafter – that is the [eternal] life, if only they knew.

The road that takes us to Heaven, according to the Holy Quran, is piety: Provide yourself, for the best provision is piety. And piety, as Imam As-Sadiq(a.s.), explains is to make sure that God never sees you in a situation which He has forbidden you, and never misses you where He has commanded you to be in . It is not to make a step forward or backward before you make sure that it pleases God. May Allah, The Most Exalted, provide us with piety and good deeds and make heaven our abode in accordance with God’s saying: Seek, through that which Allah has given you, the home of the Hereafter; and [yet], do not forget your share of the world.

The second sermon

Worshippers of Allah, The Most Exalted, I advise you and myself, with the Messenger(p.)’s advice to his companion Abu Zarr: Oh Abu Dharr! When you are asked of some knowledge you know not of say, "I do not know!" You will be saved of it’s consequences. Don’t make judgment of that which you haven’t knowledge, you will be saved from the wrath of Allah on the Day of Judgment…

Oh Abu Zarr! When you are asked of some knowledge you know not of say, "I do not know!" You will be saved of it’s consequences. Don’t make judgment of that which you haven’t knowledge, you will be saved from the wrath of Allah on the Day of Judgment…

Oh Abu Zarr! There will be a day when a group of people of Paradise will be over a group of people of Hell and they will say, "What has made you enter hell-fire? For surely we entered paradise by you teaching us and your disciplining (educating) us!" They will say, :We used to bid others to do good while we ourselves didn’t do it…Surely the believer sees his sin as if it is a boulder, he fears that it will fall on him and surely the unbeliever sees his sin as if it is a fly passing on his nose.

Dear loved ones : We are in a dire need to be guided by The Messenger(p.)’s advice to express our commitment and belonging to him.

And to become more aware and more capable of facing challenges.

The beginning is from the drastic living conditions the Lebanese are suffering from, which is worsening every day, as a result the ongoing rise in the price of the dollar which does not seem to have a limit, due to the political instability, economic collapse and corruption, in addition to the foreign pressures and international developments… The Lebanese are no longer able to secure their basic needs of food medication, hospitalization, transport and electricity… Moreover, as a result of these miserable conditions their security is being threatened as is evident from the rise in the rate of crimes and theft.

Nevertheless, there seems to be no visible solutions in foreseeable future by those who are in power: the government which is supposed to be formed today and not tomorrow is still a hostage of reciprocal conditions and conflicting interests that do not take into consideration the consequences of not forming the government. Meanwhile, despite the successive sessions no progress for electing a president has been made…

Faced by this situation, we renew our call to all political parties to shoulder their responsibilities towards those who elected them and who own the right to have a fully authorized government and a uniting president who leads the country to the political and economic safety shore. Stop being careless and negligent of the country’s fate… and leading the country to the abyss…It is regretful that there are among the political club those who believe that vacuum in the government or the presidency is not a big issue for it is not the time such a thing happens… it is something that happened many times and the Lebanese has grown accustomed to it. What they forget is that this time it is totally different internally and externally. In the past, the country had what could help her endure the consequences. But this time, it is different as the foreign countries are indifferent and there are no financial resources to allow us to endure total collapse.

Based on this, we stand with any dialogue between the Lebanese regardless of where it is going to take place or who is calling for it, as we believe that it is the most secure road to resolve the crises we are suffering from.

As for the maritime border deal, we would like to welcome the achievement, but we call at the same time to remain vigilant , until the whole picture is clear , whether regarding the text of the agreement, or what the enemy might do on the ground. We also call to speed up in taking the steps that secure the Lebanese benefit of this wealth and ensuring that it will not be lost as many other Lebanese resources.

In Iraq, we hope that the choice of the prime minister and the president marks the beginning of a solution that wills relief the country of its long sufferings…. By completing the formation of a government that includes all the components of the Iraqi people , so that Iraq would restore its strength which is also a strength for all Arabs and Muslims.

In Palestine , we are proud and feel dignified by the sacrifices made by the Palestinian people, the last of which was the heroic operation of Udai Tamimi which made the enemy feel afraid for the future of its entity, with the growth of the spirit of resistance in the. Occupied Lands.