السيد علي فضل الله
21 أغسطس

The Prophet’s immigration (Hijra)

The first sermon With the advent of the month of Muharram, we will welcome a new Hijri year (1442). It is regretful that a lot of Muslims   are heedless of …

السيد علي محمد حسين فضل الله
23 يوليو

Brothehood in Islam

Allah, The Most Exalted, says in His Glorious Book: The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy. Allah, The …

العلامة السيد علي فضل الله Sayyed Ali fadlullah
14 يوليو

Trial in good and evil

 The first sermon Allah, The Most Exalted, says in His Glorious Book: Every soul will taste death. And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to …

السيد علي محمد حسين فضل الله
06 يوليو

Man’s dignity

 The first sermon Allah, The Most Exalted, says in His Glorious Book:  And We made them leaders guiding by Our command. And We inspired to them the doing of good …

السيد علي فضل الله
18 يونيو

How to conduct a dialogue

Allah, The Most Exalted, says in His Glorious Book: And tell My servants to say that which is best. Indeed, Satan induces [dissension] among them. Indeed Satan is ever, to …

العلامة السيد علي فضل الله Sayyed Ali fadlullah
11 يونيو

Do not invalidate your deeds

Allah, The Most Exalted, says in His Glorious Book: O, you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and do not invalidate your deeds.  Allah, The Most Exalted, …

العلامة السيد علي فضل الله Sayyed Ali fadlullah
29 مايو

The Friday Prayer

His Eminence, Sayyed Ali Fadlullah, delivered the two Friday prayer sermons at the Imamain Al-Hassanain Mosque, Shawal 6, 1441H/ May 29, 2020. Several prominent religious scholars, dignitaries and thousands of …

العلامة السيد علي فضل الله
22 مايو

The conquest of Mecca

Allah, The Most Exalted, says in His Glorious Book: indeed, We have given you, [O Muhammad], a clear conquest That Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin, …